This is Us is an American television series created by Dan Fogelman that premiered on NBC on September 20, 2016. The show follows the lives of the Pearson family: patriarch Jack (Milo Ventimiglia), his wife Rebecca (Mandy Moore), and their triplets Kate (Chrissy Metz), Randall (Sterling K. Brown), and Kevin (Justin Hartley).
The first season of This is Us received generally positive reviews from television critics. The series was praised for its performances, particularly those of Ventimiglia, Moore, Brown, and Metz, as well as its humor, writing, and emotionally resonate stories. One of the aspects of the show that has been consistently praised is its use of music. The show's soundtrack features a mix of classic rock, contemporary pop, and original songs written specifically for the show.
If you're anything like us, you spend a good chunk of your time listening to music. And if you're also like us, you love This is Us. So, it's no surprise that we were stoked to see what the music for season one would be like. We loved the mix of old and new songs, and we think the show's soundtrack is pretty darn perfect. Here's a look at some of our favorite tracks from season one.
"I Can't Help Falling in Love With You" by Elvis Presley
This classic track was used in the very first episode, when Jack and Rebecca take their kids to the circus. It's a perfect choice for a moment that's both sweet and nostalgic.
"With a Little Help From My Friends" by The Beatles
We love how this song was used in the episode where Randall and Beth visit William in the hospital. It's such a feel-good track, and it really captures the spirit of the show.
"I'll be There for You (Theme from Friends)" by The Rembrandts
This one might be a little obvious, but we had to include it because it's just so perfect. The song is used in the episode where Randall and Beth have dinner with some of their friends, and it perfectly captures the show's themes of friendship and family.
"You Are the Best Thing" by Ray LaMontagne
This song is used in a couple of different episodes, but we love it most in the episode where Jack and Rebecca take their kids to see Santa. It's such a beautiful track, and it perfectly captures the magic of Christmas.
"Die a Happy Man" by Thomas Rhett
We love this song for its perfect mix of sentimentality and joy. It's used in the episode where Randall and Beth celebrate their anniversary, and it's just the right choice for a moment that's both happy and emotional.
"We Belong" by Pat Benatar
This '80s classic is used in the episode where Randall and Beth go on their first date. It's such a fun, upbeat track, and it perfectly captures the excitement of starting a new relationship.
This is us tv show soundtrack
oldies but goodies new favorites best thing die a happy man we belong pat benatar elvis presley the beatles rembrandts ray lamontagne thomas rhett friends family christmas episode perfect choosing sentimental feel good joy emotion excited beginning choice love appropriate tv sentimental choices